Annual Refresher Part 46 offered February 15, 2022
MSHA Part 46 Annual Refresher Training
MSHA Part 46 is a regulation set by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), which is a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Labor that is responsible for regulating the safety and health of miners in the United States. Part 46 specifically pertains to the training and retraining of miners who work at coal mines.
Under Part 46, mine operators are required to provide new miners with a specific amount of training before they begin work, as well as ongoing training throughout their employment. The content of this training must be specific to the mine site and the tasks that the miner will be performing. Mine operators are also required to keep records of the training that has been provided to miners.
Part 46 applies to both surface and underground coal mines, as well as to mills and preparation plants that are associated with these mines. It does not apply to metal and nonmetal mines, which are regulated under a separate set of rules (Part 48).
The goal of Part 46 is to improve the safety and health of miners by ensuring that they are properly trained and knowledgeable about the hazards and risks associated with their work. By complying with Part 46, mine operators can help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in their operations.